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Produkt zum Begriff Business Process Analysis:

  • Separation Process Engineering: Includes Mass Transfer Analysis
    Separation Process Engineering: Includes Mass Transfer Analysis

    The Definitive, Learner-Friendly Guide to Chemical Engineering Separations--Extensively Updated, Including a New Chapter on Melt CrystallizationEfficient separation processes are crucial to addressing many societal problems, from developing new medicines to improving energy efficiency and reducing emissions. Separation Process Engineering, Fifth Edition, is the most comprehensive, accessible guide to modern separation processes and the fundamentals of mass transfer. In this completely updated edition, Phillip C. Wankat teaches each key concept through detailed, realistic examples using actual data--with up-to-date simulation practice, spreadsheet-based exercises, and references.Wankat thoroughly covers each separation process, including flash, column, and batch distillation; exact calculations and shortcut methods for multicomponent distillation; staged and packed column design; absorption; stripping; and more. His extensive discussions of mass transfer and diffusion enable faculty to teach separations and mass transfer in a single course. And detailed material on liquid-liquid extraction, adsorption, chromatography, and ion exchange prepares students for advanced work.New and updated content includes melt crystallization, steam distillation, residue curve analysis, batch washing, the Shanks system for percolation leaching, eutectic systems, forward osmosis, microfiltration, and hybrid separations. A full chapter discusses economics and energy conservation, including updated equipment costs. Over 300 new and updated homework problems are presented, all extensively tested in undergraduate courses at Purdue University.New chapter on melt crystallization: solid-liquid phase equilibrium, suspension, static and falling film layer approaches, and 34 questions and problemsNew binary VLE equations and updated content on simultaneous solutionsNew coverage of safety and fire hazardsNew material on steam distillation, simple multi-component batch distillation, and residue curve analysisExpanded discussion of tray efficiencies, packed column design, and energy reduction in distillationNew coverage of two hybrid extraction with distillation, and the Kremser equation in fractional extractionAdded sections on deicing with eutectic systems, eutectic freeze concentration, and scale-upNew sections on forward osmosis and microfiltrationExpanded advanced content on adsorption and ion exchange including updated instructions for eight detailed Aspen Chromatography labsDiscussion of membrane separations, including gas permeation, reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration, pervaporation, and applicationsThirteen up-to-date Aspen Plus process simulation labs, adaptable to any simulatorThis guide reflects an up-to-date understanding of how modern students learn: designed, organized, and written to be exceptionally clear and easy to use. It presents detailed examples in a clear, standard format, using real data to solve actual engineering problems, preparing students for their future careers.

    Preis: 115.55 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • UML 2 and the Unified Process: Practical Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
    UML 2 and the Unified Process: Practical Object-Oriented Analysis and Design

    "This book manages to convey the practical use of UML 2 in clear and understandable terms with many examples and guidelines. Even for people not working with the Unified Process, the book is still of great use. UML 2 and the Unified Process, Second Edition is a must-read for every UML 2 beginner and a helpful guide and reference for the experienced practitioner."--Roland Leibundgut, Technical Director, Zuehlke Engineering Ltd."This book is a good starting point for organizations and individuals who are adopting UP and need to understand how to provide visualization of the different aspects needed to satisfy it. "--Eric Naiburg, Market Manager, Desktop Products, IBM Rational SoftwareThis thoroughly revised edition provides an indispensable and practical guide to the complex process of object-oriented analysis and design using UML 2. It describes how the process of OO analysis and design fits into the software development lifecycle as defined by the Unified Process (UP).UML 2 and the Unified Process contains a wealth of practical, powerful, and useful techniques that you can apply immediately. As you progress through the text, you will learn OO analysis and design techniques, UML syntax and semantics, and the relevant aspects of the UP. The book provides you with an accurate and succinct summary of both UML and UP from the point of view of the OO analyst and designer.This book providesChapter roadmaps, detailed diagrams, and margin notes allowing you to focus on your needsOutline summaries for each chapter, making it ideal for revision, and a comprehensive index that can be used as a referenceNew to this edition:Completely revised and updated for UML 2 syntaxEasy to understand explanations of the new UML 2 semanticsMore real-world examplesA new section on the Object Constraint Language (OCL)Introductory material on the OMG's Model Driven Architecture (MDA)The accompanying website providesA complete example of a simple e-commerce systemOpen source tools for requirements engineering and use case modelingIndustrial-strength UML course materials based on the book

    Preis: 36.37 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Business Analysis Agility: Delivering Value, Not Just Software
    Business Analysis Agility: Delivering Value, Not Just Software

    Understand and Solve Your Customers’ Real Problems with Agile Business AnalysisTo deliver real value, you must understand what your customers truly value, and solve the problems they really need solved. Business analysis can help you do this—and it’s as crucial in agile environments now as it always has been. In Business Analysis Agility, leading experts James Robertson and Suzanne Robertson show how to perform business analysis in an agile way: trying new things, adapting to changes and discoveries, staying flexible, and being quick. Drawing on their unsurpassed experience of hundreds of projects and organizations, the Robertsons help you prioritize relentlessly, focus investments on delivering value, and learn in ways that improve your results.Uncover the real customer problems hidden behind assumptions and conventional solutionsHypothesize potential solutions and quickly test them with safe-to-fail probesUnderstand how people, hardware, software, organizations, and other components come together in an optimal customer experienceWrite stories that help you find solutions that deliver more value to customers and the businessThink about problems and projects in more agile, nimble, and open-minded waysThe Robertsons’ approach to analytical thinking will be valuable to anyone who wants to build better software in agile environments: analysts, developers, team leads, project managers, software architects, and other team members and stakeholders at all levels of experience.

    Preis: 34.23 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Microsoft Excel 2019 Data Analysis and Business Modeling
    Microsoft Excel 2019 Data Analysis and Business Modeling

    Master business modeling and analysis techniques with Microsoft Excel 2019 and Office 365 and transform data into bottom-line results. Written by award-winning educator Wayne Winston, this hands-on, scenario-focused guide helps you use Excel to ask the right questions and get accurate, actionable answers. New coverage ranges from Power Query/Get & Transform to Office 365 Geography and Stock data types. Practice with more than 800 problems, many based on actual challenges faced by working analysts.  Solve real business problems with Excel—and build your competitive advantage: Quickly transition from Excel basics to sophisticated analytics Use PowerQuery or Get & Transform to connect, combine, and refine data sources Leverage Office 365’s new Geography and Stock data types and six new functions  Illuminate insights from geographic and temporal data with 3D Maps Summarize data with pivot tables, descriptive statistics, histograms, and Pareto charts Use Excel trend curves, multiple regression, and exponential smoothing Delve into key financial, statistical, and time functions Master all of Excel’s great charts Quickly create forecasts from historical time-based data Use Solver to optimize product mix, logistics, work schedules, and investments—and even rate sports teams Run Monte Carlo simulations on stock prices and bidding models Learn about basic probability and Bayes’ Theorem Use the Data Model and Power Pivot to effectively build and use relational data sources inside an Excel workbook Automate repetitive analytics tasks by using macros

    Preis: 39.58 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Was sind die wichtigsten Schritte bei der Implementierung von Business Process Management in einem Unternehmen?

    Die wichtigsten Schritte bei der Implementierung von Business Process Management sind die Identifizierung und Dokumentation der bestehenden Prozesse, die Analyse und Optimierung dieser Prozesse sowie die Auswahl und Implementierung einer geeigneten BPM-Software. Es ist entscheidend, die Mitarbeiter in den Veränderungsprozess einzubeziehen und Schulungen anzubieten, um sicherzustellen, dass sie die neuen Prozesse verstehen und akzeptieren. Zudem ist es wichtig, regelmäßige Überprüfungen und Anpassungen der Prozesse vorzunehmen, um kontinuierliche Verbesserungen zu gewährleisten.

  • Was sind die Vorteile von Business Process Management (BPM) für Unternehmen und wie kann es zur Verbesserung der operativen Effizienz beitragen?

    Die Vorteile von Business Process Management (BPM) für Unternehmen sind eine verbesserte Transparenz, Effizienz und Flexibilität in den Geschäftsabläufen. Durch die Identifizierung, Analyse und Optimierung von Prozessen kann BPM dazu beitragen, Engpässe zu beseitigen, Kosten zu senken und die Qualität der Produkte oder Dienstleistungen zu steigern. Indem Unternehmen ihre Prozesse kontinuierlich überwachen und anpassen, können sie ihre operativen Abläufe effizienter gestalten und somit ihre Wettbewerbsfähigkeit steigern.

  • Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Analysis I und Analysis II?

    Analysis I und Analysis II sind zwei aufeinander aufbauende Kurse in der Mathematik. In Analysis I werden grundlegende Konzepte der Differential- und Integralrechnung behandelt, während Analysis II diese Konzepte vertieft und erweitert. Analysis II befasst sich auch mit fortgeschritteneren Themen wie Reihen, Potenzreihen und Funktionen mehrerer Variablen.

  • Was ist eine Ankreuzaufgabe zur Analysis?

    Eine Ankreuzaufgabe zur Analysis ist eine Aufgabe, bei der mehrere Antwortmöglichkeiten vorgegeben sind und die richtige Antwort angekreuzt werden muss. Diese Art von Aufgabe wird häufig verwendet, um das Verständnis von grundlegenden Konzepten und Definitionen in der Analysis zu überprüfen.

Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Business Process Analysis:

  • Practical Guide to Business Process Reengineering Using IDEFO, The
    Practical Guide to Business Process Reengineering Using IDEFO, The

    This is the digital version of the printed book (Copyright © 1998). This book answers the call for a concise, comprehensive introduction to IDEF0 and its application in business process reengineering (BPR) efforts.   Here is all the essential information about the IDEF0 method, the function analysis portion of the Integration Definition (IDEF) Methods—its definition, basic rules of usage (including the standard language syntax and semantics as contained in the Federal Standard), and lessons learned from many years of application in the real world.   The book features examples based on actual models of commercial clients and government agencies. By studying IDEF0 models, readers learn how the method might be applied to the various aspects of enterprise analysis or systems analysis and what goals and benefits are reasonable to expect from its application.   IDEF0 is at the heart of the DoD's version of BPR. In the private sector, industrial organizations that may have initially discovered IDEF through one or more government contracts have adopted it as a method for use with their own corporate BPR efforts.   Use this book to apply the techniques of this increasingly popular member of the IDEF family of methods!   Three Major Elements of the Method:   1. The concepts are at the foundation of IDEF0, and they preserve the logical sense and intention of the model. These concepts answer why one approach is used over another in the application of IDEF0, and they provide the experienced analyst with the rationale for when it may be necessary to bend the rules.   2. The language of IDEF0 is the analyst's means of describing the activities of an enterprise to other analysts, readers, enterprise management and staff, and others. The language is written in graphical box-and-arrow notation on diagram forms that are structured to form IDEF0 models.   3. The pragmatics of IDEF0 provide the engineering procedures and the do's and don'ts for the use of IDEF0. In many cases, the pragmatics are so closely tied to the concepts and language that they are inseparable, and analysts who have attempted to use IDEF0 without employing the pragmatics have typically been unsuccessful. The most common misuses of IDEF0 are illustrated to show the kinds of problems that can occur if the pragmatics are not followed.  

    Preis: 7.48 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Software Requirements Essentials: Core Practices for Successful Business Analysis
    Software Requirements Essentials: Core Practices for Successful Business Analysis

    20 Best Practices for Developing and Managing Requirements on Any Project Software Requirements Essentials presents 20 core practices for successful requirements planning, elicitation, analysis, specification, validation, and management. Leading requirements experts Karl Wiegers and Candase Hokanson focus on the practices most likely to deliver superior value for both traditional and agile projects, in any application domain. These core practices help teams understand business problems, engage the right participants, articulate better solutions, improve communication, implement the most valuable functionality in the right sequence, and adapt to change and growth. Concise and tightly focused, this book offers just enough pragmatic "how-to" detail for you to apply the core practices with confidence, whether you're a business analyst, requirements engineer, product manager, product owner, or developer. Using it, your entire team can build a shared understanding of key concepts, terminology, techniques, and rationales--and work together more effectively on every project.Learn how to: Clarify problems, define business objectives, and set solution boundaries Identify stakeholders and decision makers Explore user tasks, events, and responses Assess data concepts and relationships Elicit and evaluate quality attributes Analyze requirements and requirement sets, create models and prototypes, and set priorities Specify requirements in a consistent, structured, and well-documented fashion Review, test, and manage change to requirements "I once read the ten best-selling requirements engineering books of the prior ten years. This one book succinctly presents more useful information than those ten books combined."--Mike Cohn, author of User Stories Applied and co-founder, Scrum Alliance "Diamonds come about when a huge amount of carbon atoms are compressed. Karl and Candase have done something very similar: they have compressed their vast requirements knowledge into 20 gems they call 'core practices.' These practices are potent stuff, and I recommend that they become part of everyone's requirements arsenal."--James Robertson, author of Mastering the Requirements Process and Business Analysis Agility "Long story short: if you are going to read only one requirements book, this is it. Software Requirements Essentials distills the wealth of information found in Software Requirements and many other texts down to twenty of the most important requirements activities that apply on nearly all projects. Today's busy BA simply doesn't have the time to read a lengthy instructive guide front-to-back. But they should find the time to read this book."--From the Foreword by Joy Beatty, COO, ArgonDigital "Software Requirements Essentials will be a high-value addition to your business analysis library. Anyone looking to improve their business analysis practices will find great practical advice they'll be able to apply immediately."--Laura Paton, Principal Consultant, BA Academy, Inc.Register your book for convenient access to downloads, updates, and/or corrections as they become available. See inside book for details.

    Preis: 25.67 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Analysis

    Analysis Dieses Lehrbuch vermittelt einen anschaulichen und kompakten Zugang zu Analysis der ersten drei Semester. Abstraktionen werden, wenn möglich, vermieden. Stattdessen wird an den Kenntnissen des Studienanfängers angeknüpft. Der erste Teil behandelt die Analysis in einer Veränderlichen, von der Definition der reellen Zahlen mittels Binär- und Dezimalzahlen bis zu gleichmäßger Konvergenz. Anschlie- ßend verallgemeinern wir die Theorie auf den höher dimensionalen Fall. Auch eine Einführung in die Theorie der gewöhnlichen Differenzialgleichungen sowie die Sätze von Gauß, Green und Stokes werden behandelt. Theoretisches wird modulhaft und kompakt auf der linken Seite behandelt, während auf der rechten Seite die passenden Übungen dazu stehen. Aufwendige Beweise werden seperat behandelt. Es gibt eine Fülle von Aufgaben, da es unmöglich ist, abstrakte Mathematik zu erlernen, ohne ausreichend viele Standardaufgaben selbst durchzurechnen. Lösungen zu den Aufgaben und Erklärvideos des Autoren finden Sie auf der Webseite des Buches. Dieses Buch eignet sich neben den Studierenden der Fächer Physik und Mathematik besonders gut für Studierende des dazugehörigen Lehramtes.

    Preis: 34.95 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Separation Process Engineering: Includes Mass Transfer Analysis
    Separation Process Engineering: Includes Mass Transfer Analysis

    The Definitive, Learner-Friendly Guide to Chemical Engineering Separations--Extensively Updated, Including a New Chapter on Melt CrystallizationEfficient separation processes are crucial to addressing many societal problems, from developing new medicines to improving energy efficiency and reducing emissions. Separation Process Engineering, Fifth Edition, is the most comprehensive, accessible guide to modern separation processes and the fundamentals of mass transfer. In this completely updated edition, Phillip C. Wankat teaches each key concept through detailed, realistic examples using actual data--with up-to-date simulation practice, spreadsheet-based exercises, and references.Wankat thoroughly covers each separation process, including flash, column, and batch distillation; exact calculations and shortcut methods for multicomponent distillation; staged and packed column design; absorption; stripping; and more. His extensive discussions of mass transfer and diffusion enable faculty to teach separations and mass transfer in a single course. And detailed material on liquid-liquid extraction, adsorption, chromatography, and ion exchange prepares students for advanced work.New and updated content includes melt crystallization, steam distillation, residue curve analysis, batch washing, the Shanks system for percolation leaching, eutectic systems, forward osmosis, microfiltration, and hybrid separations. A full chapter discusses economics and energy conservation, including updated equipment costs. Over 300 new and updated homework problems are presented, all extensively tested in undergraduate courses at Purdue University.New chapter on melt crystallization: solid-liquid phase equilibrium, suspension, static and falling film layer approaches, and 34 questions and problemsNew binary VLE equations and updated content on simultaneous solutionsNew coverage of safety and fire hazardsNew material on steam distillation, simple multi-component batch distillation, and residue curve analysisExpanded discussion of tray efficiencies, packed column design, and energy reduction in distillationNew coverage of two hybrid extraction with distillation, and the Kremser equation in fractional extractionAdded sections on deicing with eutectic systems, eutectic freeze concentration, and scale-upNew sections on forward osmosis and microfiltrationExpanded advanced content on adsorption and ion exchange including updated instructions for eight detailed Aspen Chromatography labsDiscussion of membrane separations, including gas permeation, reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration, pervaporation, and applicationsThirteen up-to-date Aspen Plus process simulation labs, adaptable to any simulatorThis guide reflects an up-to-date understanding of how modern students learn: designed, organized, and written to be exceptionally clear and easy to use. It presents detailed examples in a clear, standard format, using real data to solve actual engineering problems, preparing students for their future careers.

    Preis: 115.55 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Kannst du die Analysis wiederholen?

    Ja, gerne! Die Analysis ist ein Teilgebiet der Mathematik, das sich mit der Untersuchung von Funktionen, Ableitungen, Integralen und Grenzwerten beschäftigt. Sie ist eine wichtige Grundlage für viele weitere mathematische Disziplinen wie beispielsweise die Differentialgleichungen oder die Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie. In der Analysis werden unter anderem Konzepte wie Stetigkeit, Differenzierbarkeit und Integrierbarkeit von Funktionen untersucht.

  • Wie lautet die Lösung einer Analysis-Aufgabe?

    Die Lösung einer Analysis-Aufgabe hängt von der konkreten Aufgabenstellung ab. In der Analysis werden verschiedene mathematische Methoden angewendet, um Probleme im Zusammenhang mit Funktionen, Ableitungen, Integralen und Grenzwerten zu lösen. Um die genaue Lösung einer Aufgabe zu erhalten, müssen die gegebenen Informationen und Bedingungen berücksichtigt werden.

  • Was ist der Unterschied zwischen International Business Management, Business Development Management und International Business Development Management?

    International Business Management bezieht sich auf die Verwaltung von Geschäftsaktivitäten in einem internationalen Umfeld, einschließlich der Planung, Organisation und Kontrolle von Geschäftsprozessen. Business Development Management konzentriert sich auf die Identifizierung und Erschließung neuer Geschäftsmöglichkeiten und -märkte, um das Wachstum und den Erfolg eines Unternehmens zu fördern. International Business Development Management kombiniert beide Aspekte und bezieht sich auf die Verwaltung von Geschäftsentwicklungsaktivitäten in einem internationalen Kontext, einschließlich der Identifizierung neuer Märkte, der Erschließung von Geschäftsmöglichkeiten und der Verwaltung von Geschäftsprozessen in verschiedenen Ländern.

  • Was sind die wichtigsten Schritte zur Durchführung einer erfolgreichen Business-Analyse?

    Die wichtigsten Schritte zur Durchführung einer erfolgreichen Business-Analyse sind die Definition der Ziele und des Umfangs der Analyse, die Sammlung relevanter Daten und Informationen sowie die Analyse und Interpretation der Ergebnisse. Anschließend sollten Handlungsempfehlungen abgeleitet und präsentiert werden, um die Entscheidungsfindung und die Umsetzung von Verbesserungsmaßnahmen zu unterstützen. Es ist auch wichtig, den Prozess regelmäßig zu überprüfen und anzupassen, um sicherzustellen, dass die Analyse relevant und effektiv bleibt.

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